
The Canadian Progress Club was founded in Toronto in 1922 and has 36 clubs from St.John’s, NFLD to Vancouver BC.

In 1988 a group of dynamic women formed the Halifax Citadel Progress Club, a Chapter of the Canadian Progress Club. Although a chapter of the national body, our Club is a separate entity and sponsors local charities besides the Canadian Progress Charitable Foundation/Special Olympics. The Club’s main charity is Phoenix Youth Programs, a shelter and crisis centre for homeless youth, both female and male.

Nationally, the club supports Special Olympics Canada. Locally, CPC Halifax Citadel supports Phoenix Youth Programs (PYP), Special Olympics Nova Scotia, Homebridge Youth Services, Alice Housing, Adsum House and other community organizations.

You might find our members volunteering at Special Olympics events, helping to feed the hungry at church dinners, singing Christmas carols to the Veterans at Camp Hill, taking PYP residents out for bowling and pizza, or filling Christmas stockings for those in need.

We are proud to be Canadian and elated to make a difference to those we serve.